"The Carrot Patch" Litter

Litter Size: 10
Sex: 3 Girls and 7 Boys
Mom: “Isabella" - Standard Poodle
Dad: “Clayton” Golden Retriever

Week Twelve

Grey Collar - Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Cottrez Family!
Summer Limes - Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Levenduski Family!
Grey Collar - Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Cottrez Family!
Summer Limes - Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Levenduski Family!

Week Eleven

Grey Collar - Boy
Summer Limes - Boy

Week Nine

Grey Collar - Boy
Grey Collar – Boy
Summer Limes - Boy
Summer Limes - Boy

Week Six

Grey Collar - Boy
Summer Lime – Boy
Blue Paw Collar – Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Barrett Family!
Rainbow Flower - Girl
SOLD - Congratulations to the Davila Family!
Black with White Bones - Boy
SOLD – Congratulations to the Wood Family!
Brown with Yellow Hearts - Boy
SOLD – Congratulations to the Rowland Family!
Giraffe - Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Amoroso Family!
Pink Arrow - Girl
SOLD – Congratulations to the Kussman Family!
Pink Paw - Girl
SOLD - Congratulations to the Henley Family!
Red Collar - Boy
SOLD - Congratulations to the Kennedy Family!

Week Four

Red Collar - Boy
Blue Paw Collar - Boy
Summer Limes Collar - Boy
Grey Collar - Boy
Giraffe Collar - Boy
Black with White Bones Collar - Boy
Yellow Heart Collar - Boy
Pink Paw Collar - Girl
Rainbow Flower Collar - Girl
Pink Arrow Collar - Girl

Week Three


Week Two

Week One Photo